
Start Date


End Date


Total Budget

100,000.00 €




The project, funded by the GAL FAR Maremma, aims to promote practices for biochar production and its innovative application in agriculture, increasing awareness among primary producers of the potential of an innovative soil improver such as biochar. Another goal of the project is the assessment of the logistical feasibility of the use of biochar within the farms usual crop calendar and the assessment of the technical feasibility of employing and spreading biochar with the machines available in the local farms. The project aims then to quantify the effects of the use of biochar on soil management by collecting quantified and statistically significant data on primary productivity and yields per hectare, also evaluating the potential economic advantage coming from the carbon credit market and finally elaborating a technical-economic pre-feasibility study on the creation of a local biochar supply chain.

This project has received funding from the “Programma di Sviluppo Rurale PSR Feasr 2014-2020” of Tuscany Region, Misura 16.2 “Sostegno a progetti pilota e allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, pratiche, processi e tecnologie”; unique project code: 904794.


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